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Tandberg 3300X recapasitor

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Hello everyone,

I just bought Tandberg 3300X from Germany through eBay with not working condition.

I live in Indonesia, Jakarta City and just realized maybe I'm the only one who have Tandberg 3300X. In our country the most populer reel to reel is AKAI, but the Dragon Slayer Tandberg 3014 is very famous here.

Shortly, I try to fix this gorgeous reel, and after some replacement parts (transistors and very unique one is capasitor with resistor) and also tidy up the cables and found there are some sockets was installed backwards, finally it works and back to normal operation.

My concern now is...I want to upgrade/recapasitor like I did in many amps or receivers considering this unit was born around 1970 and need capasitors refreshment.

Maybe somebody can share experiences or maybe have a reusme capasitors list that would be helpful?

Thank you.

Greetings from Jakarta - Indonesia. 

Best Regards,


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Joined: 2 years ago
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Sorry can't help - but very awesome that you have  Tandberg in Indonesia! They're a nice machine!

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Thank you John.

I agree Tandberg make a good quality products.

If have to, I will make a list from schematic and replace all old capasitors with new ones.


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Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 16

@elsuhan This parts manual might help.



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