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Solvsuper 10

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Hi all,


Does anyone have any knowledge or experience with a Solvsuper 10?

Are they any good?




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After what I have read so Are the SS10 good. But many seems to prefer the Huldra 10 and the TR1000-series (even the TR200) because they have the "good" old "Tandberg-sound"

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Thanks for the reply. There's a really nice one on UK ebay that I was going to try but I'm beginning to think 6 tandbergs are enough.......or maybe not😀...........because I really want to try a TR200 and one has appeared locally

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I’ve heard a lot of positive things of the TR200, don’t own it myself yet though... I’ve got only two. Need to do something about it 😉

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I found an old Sølvsuper 10 (model 72 with two integrated loudspeakers) in the trash and I really like it. It’s got a warm oldschool sound (I only use the internal speakers) and the design is beautiful. My antenna has some connection problems due to decades of corrosion but I connect externel sources via band and enjoy the vintage feeling. It’s not comparable to a TR20xx though. The amp has a lot less power and the sound is very different. I don’t own a huldra, so I cannot compare the two models.

This post was modified 3 years ago by Nimei

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Couldn't agree more on the beauty of the solvsuper Nimei.  That's what attracted me in the first place and yours looks great on your photo.

The one I was looking at is too far away for me to collect.....Is a three hour round trip too long for a tandberg??

Although I've now spied with my little eye a TR200 that's only 40 mins from home which could be my next target. It cuts out in one channel at the balance pot - but there no point doing this if there's no challenge in it.

My brother-in-law has a house boat that I think this would look nice in along with a pair of beovox cx100.

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@hagzo I am very happy about my Sølvsuper but I would not have driven three hours for it either. The TR200 seems to have a lot of potential for a nice little restoration project though. 😉


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